Saturday, April 3, 2010

Intro to Technical Diving Clinic

If you are curious to learn more about technical diving then come down to Dive Utah April 14 at 6:30pm for an Intro to Tec Diving Clinic. We will even have a few sets of double tanks for you to try out in the pool!!

Technical diving is scuba diving’s “extreme” sport, taking experienced and qualified divers far deeper than in mainstream recreational diving. Technical diving is marked by significantly more equipment and training requirements to manage the additional hazard this type of diving entails.If you think it's not for you, you are right — it's NOT for you!
Tec diving isn’t for everyone... It is extremely challenging... But for those who hear its challenge call, the DSAT TecRec courses are the answer.
What is Technical Diving? Technical scuba diving is defined as diving other than conventional commercial or research diving that takes divers beyond recreational scuba diving limits. It is further defined as and includes one or more of the following:

-diving beyond 40 metres/130 feet deep
-required stage decompression
-diving in an overhead environment beyond 40 linear metres/130 linear feet of the surface
-accelerated decompression and or the use of variable gas mixtures during the dive.

Because in technical diving the surface is effectively inaccessible in an emergency, tec divers use extensive methodologies and technologies and training to manage the added risks. Even with these, however, tec diving admittedly has more risk, potential hazard and shorter critical error chains than does recreational scuba diving.

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